November Newsletter
Learn about what’s happening in the classroom with our November newsletter.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Boo-A-Grams. It was a great turn out and the children were all very excited to go trick-or-treating here at school. We can not wait to see all our friends all dressed up. We will be celebrating a little late this year, but we will still be having our parties just a week later.
Some exciting news St.Andrew’s Co-op playschool has secured a spot in the Santa Claus parade this year. Please keep an eye open for more information.
This month we will be doing our picture day. Picture day will be on Wednesday, November 22 and Thursday, November 23rd. We will be doing these at the school so please have your child dressed and ready when they arrive on those days.
I would like to thank everyone for your continuous support and for following our policies. With cold and flu season upon us, we do ask that if your child is not feeling well or showing signs of a cold please keep them home until they are 24 hours symptom-free. This helps us keep the spread of germs to a minimum.
Also a reminder for pick-up times. Our preschool program ends at 12 p.m. and our toddler program is at 11:45. If your child is in the extended program the program ends at 2:25. Please be here at these times as our staff do have other obligations that they have to get to. We will be enforcing a late pickup penalty.
In November, we will discuss different colours, Remembrance Day, Brown Bear Brown Bear, Shapes, and numbers. On November 9th and 10th, there will be a Remembrance Day celebration. Please dress your child in red on those days.
The Holidays are fast approaching; we will be doing some Christmas-themed activities. During the holiday season, families are welcome to communicate with the teachers if they do not wish for Christmas to be discussed with their child. We also welcome any special activities that families celebrate during this time as we would love to incorporate them into our lesson plans.
We have one last fundraiser for the year. Back by popular demand, we will be doing MacMillan’s. This fundraiser will run from November 13 to November 27. Pick up of all orders will be on December 20th just in time for the holiday break. Brochures will be sent home soon.
We have also set up an Oliver’s labels fundraiser that will round all year, these labels are great for everything and you can personalize them. These can be ordered here:
We will be hosting an open house on Tuesday, November 21 from 5:30-7:30. So please spread the word.
Please see below our late pick-up and drop-off policy. Please sign and bring it back.
Upcoming Events:
- Picture Day: Wednesday November 22,and Thursday November 23rd
- Halloween Party Monday November 6 and Tuesday November 7,2023
Please wear a red shirt on November 9th and 10th for our Remembrance Day Celebration
MacMillan’s running from Nov.13-27 pickup date is December 20th
Message from the Board:
Our next board meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 22 at 8:00 in person at the school, if you would like to join please let us know. All are welcome!
Our Membership Coordinator has reached out to people to form the committees that are needed at this time. Our First big event will be the parade so please let’s start gathering items. We have secured a truck and trailer. We will need straw or bay bales to line the trailer for seating.
As flu season approaches, we like to remind you to make sure your child is in a healthy state when coming to school. We are all very grateful for all the support and patience that you have shown through this first month of school. Please note that the staff is doing all they can to make sure the school remains a safe and happy place for all.
November Menu:

Pick-Up and Drop-Off Policy:

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