News & Announcements

June Newsletter

Learn what’s happening in the classroom this month

We have made it! We can’t believe it is June and the year is coming to an end.
What a year this has been, but we all did it and here we are June already.
This year has been full of adventure and fun. The adventures and fun are continuing
throughout this month. We have lots of fun activities planned for the month.
All the children are working hard to finish their ABC books and are just
adding the finishing touches as they will be going home at graduation. 
In the month of June we will be talking about our wonderful daddies and
grandpas that are in our lives. We will be working on special gifts for our
daddies.  We will also be talking about summertime fun and doing some
very exciting activities that could get messy so please remember to send in
spare clothes.

We are going on our last field trip to Carma Farms on Friday June 14 th , we will be
meeting at the farm at 9:15 AM and leaving at 12:00pm. The teachers will return to the
school for those that attend the extended day.

What better way to celebrate all of children then on the last days of school.
We will be having a year-end birthday party for all the children on Thursday June 20.
Keep a look out in your child’s folder for the invitation.
As we near the end of the year we are all getting ready for our
graduation.  The children are all working very hard and practicing their
special songs that they will be performing for all of you.

As Graduation approaches, we are asking for some parents to help with
the decorations for the special day. The teachers will be setting up the
gym the afternoon of Thursday June27th. If you would like to help and can supply
some decorations please speak to Teacher Tara.

Upcoming Events:

  • Graduation is schedule for Thursday June 27th at 6:30 pm in the gym.
  • Year book order forms and money are due back June 7,2024, so we can have them ready for Grad.
  • The 2024-25school registration is now open. Tuition fees will remain the same at this time.
  • Also if you ordered a graduation t-shirt the fee will be $20 and is due June 14,2024 so we can get the shirts in time for our graduation.
  • Carma Farms trip on June 14th .
  • The Last day of school will be Thursday June 27 th at 12 PM

Message from the Board:

We cannot believe that our school year is coming to an end.  For those families who are
returning next year need board members since a few of our current members will be
leaving the school. Please consider taking on a board position.

Please get your registrations in for the 2024-25 school year if you are planning to return.

May Newsletter

Learn more about what’s happening in the classroom for the month of May!

What’s Happening in the Classroom:

May has arrived and the school year is coming to an end very shortly.  This year has been filled with fun and adventure and will continue to do so until the end of the year.  We have some exciting things happening in the next 2 months, so stay tuned.  The children will be busy working on special gifts for their mommies for Mother’s Day.  So please if your child does not come home with a craft every day, please understand there was not enough time during the day as we may be very busy working on our gifts for the next week.

This month we will also be talking and learning about our moms,  down on the farm and nursery rhymes.

We would also like to remind everyone to please bring in extra clothes for your child.  We may get messy as we continue our outside adventures and exploring. The school will be closed on May 20th, 2024, enjoy your long weekend. 

We are working away on the yearbooks for this year.  If you would like to purchase a yearbook this year please indicate on the form attached and return it so we have the numbers and can figure out the pricing, please return it by Monday,13th, 2024. We will be doing 1 more fundraiser to end the school year: Graduation Shirts 

Upcoming Events:

Grad Picture Day

  •  Wednesday, May 15th and Thursday, May 16th


  1. The school will be closed for Victoria Day on Monday, May 20, enjoy your first long weekend of the summer!
  2. The 2024-24 school registration is now open.  Tuition fees will remain the same. 
  3. Graduation will be held on Thursday, June 27th at 6:30pm
  4. Last day of school will be on Thursday, June 27th.  The day will end at 12.

Message from the Board:

We cannot believe that our school year is ending. For those families who are returning next year, we need board members since a few of our current members will be leaving the school.  Please consider taking on a board position. 

Please get your registrations in for the 2024-25 school year if you are planning to return. Remember if you have your registration in before May 15th the registration fee will be waived.

The next Board meeting will be Monday, May 27th, 2024  at 7 pm.  Our AGM meeting will be on Wednesday 22nd, 2024  so please keep an eye out for the email and instructions

Protected: 2024 Annual General Meeting

This content is password protected for members only

For more public resources check out our followed link.

Join Us for an Exciting Open House at St. Andrew’s Co-op Playschool!

Register now for September 2024.

Are you a parent in search of the perfect early childhood education program for your little one this September? Look no further than St. Andrew’s Co-op Playschool! We invite you to an exclusive Open House event on April 10, from 6:30 – 8:00 PM. It’s the perfect opportunity for parents interested in enrolling their children in our beloved playschool to explore our vibrant community.

Why St. Andrew’s Co-op Playschool?

At St. Andrew’s Co-op Playschool, we offer a nurturing and engaging learning environment for children aged 18 months to 5 years old. Our co-op model promotes active parental involvement, creating a tight-knit community where your child can thrive. By attending our Open House, you’ll gain valuable insights into our programs, teaching philosophy, and the warm, supportive atmosphere that sets us apart.

Open House Details:

During the Open House, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  1. Tour Our Facilities: Explore our cozy classrooms, play areas, and outdoor spaces, where our little ones learn, play, and grow.
  2. Meet Our Educators: Our experienced and caring teaching staff will be on hand to answer your questions and share their passion for early childhood education.
  3. Connect with Parents: Chat with current parents and learn about their experiences in our co-op community.
  4. Register for September: You can get the information you need to register your child for the fall school year and sign up at the school.
  5. Gallery Viewing: Get a glimpse of our playschool in action by visiting our online gallery here.
  6. Learn More: To discover more about our programs, curriculum, and our co-op model, please visit our programs page here.

We understand the importance of selecting the right playschool for your child, and we are confident that St. Andrew’s Co-op Playschool may be the perfect fit for your family.

Join us on April 10th, and see for yourself what makes St. Andrew’s Co-op Playschool a special place for your child’s early education journey in September. We can’t wait to welcome you into our community and show you why we are the perfect choice for your child’s educational beginnings.

February Newsletter

Learn what’s going on in the classroom this February

Wow, January went by very quickly.  We have been busy updating items and adding new materials here at the school.  If you have noticed we have a doorbell outside the main door.  When you arrive and no one is upstairs please ring the bell and a teacher will come up.  

We will be running The Big Box of Cards fundraiser again this year.  Please keep a look out for the information to come home in your child’s folder later in the month.

The children have been busy working away on their letter pages, their progress has been amazing. For February, we will continue to work on letters, but we will also be starting more number work with the Preschoolers. The toddlers will continue with the letters, and we will be introducing colour recognition.

This month we will continue talking about superheroes as the children have enjoyed this, we will also be talking about our feelings and things that make us happy, sad, angry and excited. With Valentine’s Day approaching we will also be talking about friends and family and special things we can do with our friends and family. We will be having a Valentine’s Day celebration for the children on Wednesday, February 14th. 

This year we will be doing a Candy Gram Valentine’s Day fundraiser.  This little treat bag will include little cards that the children will address to their friends and will have some little treats in the bags.  The order form went home last week but is attached in case you did not receive one already., if you are interested in having your child participate in handing out valentines to their friends, please return the form no later than Feb.9th. The number of children in the class was included on the Valentine’s Day Candy gram form.  

We want to remind everyone to please make sure your child has a change of clothes at school as some days are messy and they need a change. As always if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask one of the teachers. Thank you again for all your continued support and effort in making our school and program such a great one. 


Big Box of Cards

Are you in need of birthday cards, holiday cards, or cards for any special occasion? We’re excited to announce the return of the Big Box of Cards fundraiser at St. Andrew’s Co-op Playschool!

Each box is priced at $35, and a portion of the proceeds will directly contribute to our school. To learn more, click here.


Fundraising for St. Andrew’s Co-op Playschool will be much easier this season with FlipGive. We earn cash back on every purchase we make all year long!

All you have to do is shop online through our FlipGive link anytime with the brands you already love, like Home Depot, Walmart, Sport Chek, Indigo, Old Navy, Apple, Esso, and Loblaws or purchase a digital gift card to use in-store.  It’s completely virtual and contactless.

Join our team now and you’ll get a $5 bonus the first time you shop: or enter this code: CLR3LL


  • March Break runs from March 11th to 15th. The school will be closed at that time. 
  • We will be closed on Monday, February 19th for Family Day.
  • We are open on York Region District School Board P.A. Days.
  • On days when York Region School buses are cancelled, the school will be closed. A decision will be made by 7 am and an email will go out to all parents.
  •  The AGM meeting will be in April, the date to be determined.  

Message from the Board:

Our next board meeting will be held MondayFeb.26 at 8:00 pm, which will be held virtually through Zoom, if you would like to join, please just let us know.

We want to send out a warm welcome to the new families that have joined St. Andrew’s. Thank you for your ongoing support of our school. The more children we have enrolled ensures the continued prosperity of the school. 

February Calendar:

Big Box of Cards Fundraiser

Our box card fundraiser is extended until March 19!

Big Box of Cards Fundraiser. Get a box of 35 cards for $35 from February 12 - 23 at St. Andrew's Co-op Playschool

Are you in need of birthday cards, holiday cards, or cards for any special occasion? We’re excited to announce the return of the Big Box of Cards fundraiser at St. Andrew’s Co-op Playschool!

For our returning families, this fundraiser will run similarly to last year. If you’re new to our community, fret not – ordering cards is a breeze.

Choose from three fantastic options:

Each box is priced at $35, and a portion of the proceeds will directly contribute to our school. To understand more about why we fundraise and where these funds go, check out the details here.

From February 12 and March 19. Don’t forget to spread the word among your family and friends, giving them the opportunity to order as well.

Stay tuned for confirmation on the pick-up date, which will be provided by the school at a later time. Your participation in the Big Box of Cards fundraiser not only fulfills your card needs but also plays a vital role in supporting St. Andrew’s Co-op Playschool. Join us in making this fundraiser a success and enhancing the experiences of our little ones!

Why do we fundraise?

At St. Andrew’s Co-op Playschool, fundraising is not just a necessity; it’s a crucial pillar that ensures our children have memorable and enriching experiences throughout the year.

The funds raised play a direct and impactful role, contributing towards essential elements like year-end trips and parties. These events are not merely moments of celebration but integral parts of our educational journey, fostering camaraderie, creativity, and lasting memories for our little ones. Thus, your support in our fundraising endeavours directly translates into enabling these experiences, creating a vibrant and nurturing environment for the children at St. Andrew’s Co-op Playschool.

Together, we’re not just raising funds; we’re crafting a foundation for joy, growth, and cherished moments that will stay with our children for a lifetime.