September Newsletter
Learn about what’s going on in the classroom in September.
We are all very excited to be back in the classroom this September after the summer break. The staff here at the school have done an amazing job to get everything set up and safe for the children. All the rooms look a little different. We are very excited to start the new school year off. All the children have started to settle in nicely and are getting used to their new routines.
There are changes that have been made this September and we have discussed with everyone. I would like to just remind everyone of some of the very important protocols that will remain in place.
- Please remember to call in every morning before arriving to answer the health screening questions. 905-472-1996.
- Drop-off in the morning will take place at the back door for entry. Parents will enter up the stairs to the doors, where Teacher Tara will meet you and take your child’s Temperature and then take them to their teacher.
- Pick-up will look very similar to drop-off, same procedures.
- Each day a folder will go home with your child it may have something in it it may not. Please remember to bring this back every day as this will be our communication as we will not have a lot of time at drop off and pick to discuss things. I (Tara) will be going over these every day.
I would like to ask all parents to bring in a little picture of their child and family so we can incorporate them into our daily activity and a special activity.
On a monthly basis, a snack menu will be going home at the start of the month along with a monthly calendar that will outline any special events that will be going on that month. We remind you that if your child has any food allergies please let us know so we can plan accordingly. This year we are going to do a 4 week rotating snack menu. This way we can find what the children like and dislike. If you have any suggestions or anything you would like to see please don’t hesitate to speak with Tara about it.
We are excited to announce our first school field trip. It will be on Thursday, September 28th, we will be going to the Markham Fair. We will meet at the main entrance at 9:00 a.m. A permission form is below.
- Please ensure that your child has a pair of clean indoor shoes and a spill-proof water bottle labelled with their name
- An extra change of clothes, diapers and wipes may be stored above your child’s cubby
Message from the Board:
To our new students and families, welcome. We are excited to have you join our St. Andrew’s family. Welcome back to our returning students and families. We are honoured that you have chosen to return for another exciting year. The school is already hard at work planning valuable activities, engaging trips, important fundraising initiatives, and organizing the maintenance, and support of the school. Very soon, you will receive your Committee positions. As a Co-Op, we foster a sense of community. We are all working together to support our kids through planning events like the Santa Claus Parade, making play dough, organizing the library book program, participating in fundraising, cleaning the school, doing laundry, and much more.
Please help us get the word out about our wonderful school. Like us on Facebook, share our website, and talk about us when you meet people. We are always looking for new enrolment. We also have a poster. If you have a place to post one, please let Tara know, and we can give you a copy.

Markham Fair field trip form (September 28):
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